Sunday, December 11, 2011

Holiday Critters

It's getting cold outside, well okay today was pretty nice, but still it should be getting cold soon. While I love snow and wish we could have it nine months out of the year, not everyone has my affinity for the cold. I hope to persuade you to see all the fun to be had in the cold.

First, who doesn't love a white Hanukkah/Solstice/Christmas/Kwanzaa? There are songs and movies all the depicting the classic image of white, snowy holidays. Second, deep down inside all adults lives the timid past child who dreams of snow days. We might not be able to miss work any more, but we can still enjoy the excitement of winter weather while we go to work. The chance for a terrible blizzard that closes everything down still exists in Wisconsin. Third, bird watching is so much fun in the winter.

Okay, that last one probably wasn't what you expected but it's true. I think it's easier to spot birds against all the white snow. In 4-H we used to decorate an outside tree at a local nursing home every year. We'd take pine cones and dip them in peanut butter and seeds or hang up homemade gingerbread men and women. Dried fruits were also hung up to add color to the tree. The birds would enjoy the ornaments and the residents would enjoy the birds who practically became ornaments themselves since they were there so often.

You can have your own natural tree this year, too. Pick a pine tree in your yard and decorate the tree with ideas above or some of your own. Suet and millet are great additions, too. Some stores will even have pre-made ornaments. Just avoid extra plastic that birds might choke on. Yarn is a great way to hang up your ornaments. In the spring the yarn might even be used in nests. Make extra ornaments that you can add later on in the winter. Your birds will keep coming back if they know that food is always available there. Enjoy!

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