Thursday, July 19, 2012

Usually use some pictures from the operation, but still working on how to get them across from my new phone. Finally getting some rain!  Still in drought conditions, but always any is a help.  Crop conditions are deplorable since we have limited irrigation, and from experience, the best we could do is keep things alive, and not really grow a crop.
Cherries          Froze out early March
Apricots          Same
Plums               Same
Peaches            Some?
Pears               Potential yet for a bumper crop if we get more rain
Apples             Some gone, some limited potential, some good potential with rain.
Strawberries    Really limited
Raspberries      Same
Mulberries        Same
Grapes              Same
Most veggies in the field are being disced under.
Growing limited supply of veggies, herbs and flowers under controlled environment and "water!"
Getting some green beans, lettuce, onions, potatoes,and may have some edible pod soybeans if the spider mites and dry weather give them a chance
Sweet corn potential looks fair to good
Popcorn potential so-so
Corn, soybeans, small grin, and hay, all to early to tell how badly damaged they are.

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